In the first fifteen verses of John 15 there is a word that has been causing my spirit to leap with joy, because it is the KEY to how we ought to live daily with the Creator of the universe. In the NASB this colorful word is “abide”, and it is mentioned NINE times in eleven verses. The urgency is felt while reading, not only because we read it in red letters, but because this word “abide” is used so generously within the beginning of chapter 15. In scripture when things are repeated, such as themes, numbers and words, it is imperative that we pay closer attention and ask the Holy Spirit: “What is it You are trying to show me here?” As I read John 15 and kept seeing the word “abide” being highlighted I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do next and He said: “Look up the meaning.” So I did…
In Greek the word “abide” means to STAY OR CONTINUE IN A GIVEN PLACE, STATE, RELATION OR EXPECTANCY. In John 15:4 it states: “Abide in Me and I in you.” Jesus goes on to say that He is the VINE and we are the branches. Without Him we cannot bear any fruit. Aside from Him we have nothing to show for. To live in this way each moment means a whole new level of humility, because “abide” is an ACTION word in that we have to be very aware of ABIDING with the Lord every moment of the day. This does not mean we strive and do it in our own strength, in fact it means we cannot strive because then we are doing it WITHOUT Him and in our OWN strength. The opposite to the word “abide” looks like this: picture a tree bearing beautiful fruit with healthy branches, but on the ground you see dead branches and leaves all withered and ALONE. I am not sure about you, but I choose to be fed by the very One who will help me produce constant juicy fruit and REMAIN there with Him rather than coming and going with some juicy fruit here and there, but with many lonely moments in between.
Don’t get me wrong there are times when I go into human nature mode and then Holy Spirit will give me a sweet nudge and ask me if I am staying and ABIDING with Jesus. He is asking us to be very aware of REMAINING in Him and making new patterns in out every day lives in order to remain in Jesus. When we read further on in verse nine Jesus says something profound: “Just as the Father has loved me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.” He is presenting an invitation here for us daily, moment by moment, can you hear Him asking you to REMAIN, STAY, and CONTINUE in His love? Jesus is not just FUN but He is practical too, because He has led me to this scripture but did not stop there. He went a step further and has asked me to picture Him right here next to me in the middle of each “task” I am in the middle of. Can you see Him when you are enjoying time with your kids, or perhaps picture Him in the hard moments in your day? Ask Him to show you where He is in the room when you are having a hard time abiding and STAYING in him.
You are asking: “But how do I really abide in Him all the time?” Well, I am glad you asked because here is the answer, and it is found in verse 10-12: “If you keep my commandments you will abide in My love…” and “This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved You.” Abiding in Him at ALL times means that we LOVE each other AT ALL TIMES. Are we staying in Him when we find it hard to forgive that family member? Abiding in Him means we love each other despite offenses, or hard things we may be facing. He is the safe One. Jesus says that our JOY will be made full when we listen to these words He has spoken. Catch yourself, or even better yet, ask Him when you have strayed or moved out of the abiding with Him and tell Him you are sorry and accept the sweet invitation to remain in Him in every area of your life. He is so kind like that. He said that we have not because we ask not. Ask away my friends and soak in His abiding love xxx